May 24, 2009

H0 : Innovation is executive management's priority, even in downturn.

A starting question in understanding the relationship between leadership and innovation is understanding if innovation (product or service) is in fact a priority for executives. My Hypothesis [ H0:Innovation is executive management's priority, even in downturn].

Hence, to prove that I recently created a poll on Linkedin. I hope to get responses from a diverse group of professionals, in the US and internationally. The survey can be found here ( YOUR RESPONSE WILL BE VERY MUCH APPRECIATED.

While there exists research on this question, my desire to conduct my own survey stems from interest in capturing responses in a downturn. Many leaders and researchers agree that innovation is key a to firm’s success, especially in an economic slowdown. In my survey I seek to prove that and use it in my research paper that links leadership and innovation.

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