May 2, 2011

Building Confidence

Amazing article about that gives tips on how you can help yourself succeed. A must read even for those of you who think you are successful- don't forget your definition of success might not be complete. This article will definitely help you get that additional leverage to do even better.

Some highlights:

Get out of your own way
Confident people aren't only willing to practice, they're also willing to acknowledge that they don't — and can't — know everything. "It's better to know when you need help, than not," says Gruenfeld. "A certain degree of confidence — specifically, confidence in your ability to learn — is required to be willing to admit that you need guidance or support."

On the flip side, don't let modesty hold you back. People often get too wrapped up in what others will think to focus on what they have to offer, says Katie Orenstein, founder and director of The OpEd Project, a non-profit that empowers women to influence public policy by submitting opinion pieces to newspapers. "When you realize your value to others, confidence is no longer about self-promotion," she explains. "In fact, confidence is no longer the right word. It's about purpose." Instead of agonizing about what others might think of you or your work, concentrate on the unique perspective you bring.

Make sure you approach only those who care for you and those you trust in for this second one--

Get feedback when you need it
While you don't what to completely rely on others' opinions to boost your ego, validation can also be very effective in building confidence. Gruenfeld suggests asking someone who cares about your development as well as the quality of your performance to tell you what she thinks. Be sure to pick people whose feedback will be entirely truthful;

Take risks

" ... Failure can be very useful for building confidence,"
"In fact, stressing yourself is the only way to grow. "
(with this one I suggest be cautious as there is always a good and bad stress- try and minimize the bad one if you can)

Click HERE to read this article in full.

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