Apr 12, 2010

Water and Conflict : What you can do to decrease conflict

Water, the very foundation of life on earth, and now as we know on other planets as well, is a fast depleting commodity. But still not many today can understand its importance and do not have the foresight to see what its depletion can mean to our generation and for our future generations.

There is no doubt that water, as important a resource as it is, is not necessarily used or cherished properly by most of the developed and developing world. In the developed world, and based on my own personal experiences, I know that water is taken for granted. Starting from how much water is used to brush ones teeth to long hot showers people take, there is plenty of water wasted.

History is riddled with proof that when ever there is water shortage there is conflict. Why? That is because water is indeed the foundation of every life form on our planet. Without it there is no life.

Here is a great time line that illustrates the disputes over water from around the world.


I am starting to do my part. I have started by turning the tap knobs that control the water force in my bathrooms to a minimum. This way I control the speed with which water is dispensed from my taps. And I have no complaints, in fact it reminds every day the little contribution I made to the world.

You should try doing the same. Just remember that water is a fast depleting commodity and that you CAN save it for the future generations. In doing so you WILL directly decrease conflict around the world.

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